Hi there, I am Keenan Krause (he/him)

Policy Innovator and Researcher with a background at the intersection of international relations and development

An Introduction

I am a Master of Public Policy student at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy. Before arriving in Chicago, I have worked at a top global university, for-profit companies, and both state/provincial and federal government. 

Intrigued by a career in shaping international development systems to better reflect modern understandings of aid using innovative tools, I am looking for the next step in my professional journey.

Localization Researcher

Localization Researcher

United States Agency for International Development
Policy Research Associate

Policy Research Associate

We All Count
Independent Researcher

Independent Researcher

Laidlaw Scholars Programme


Trinity College Mental Health Initative
Policy and Program Assistant

Policy and Program Assistant

Ontario's Collective Impact for Disconnected Youth
Assistant to Dr. Rebecca Wolfe

Assistant to Dr. Rebecca Wolfe

Harris School of Public Policy

Book/Article Recommendations

If you are anything like me, you will have experiences several books or papers in your life that just come at the rig...

Keenan Krause
Keenan Krause

Journey to Now

Having grown up on a farm in Northern Ontario (Canada), most of my life has been spent learning about the world that ...

Keenan Krause
Keenan Krause

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