Policy Research Associate

We All Count

This job included working conducting a six-month data literacy assignment for the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) at USAID’s Bureau for Global Health. However, although working on the USAID portfolio, I was actually employed by We All Count. We All Count is a project to increase equity in data science. As they feature on their website, We All Count has “a place for you in it if you want to work towards a world where data science is good, and good for everyone.” The organizations works to how bring data equity to clients and their work. 

It was in this idea that USAID hired We All Count to help improve data literacy into the USAID team that is primarily responsible for PEPFAR (The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). On this contract, I assisted the other We All Count staff to analyze the current data culture in the company and use the numerous frameworks established by our company to design recommendations and next steps to elevate the data work at OHA. 

Check out two of my favourite posts from We All Count’s blog to demonstrate their work and two insightful lessons: 


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Localization Researcher